Naturopathy is a system of healthcare that promotes the body’s own self-healing mechanism. It uses natural therapies such as nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture and homeopathy.
What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a system of health care that promotes the body’s own self-healing mechanism. It uses natural therapies such as nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, physical manipulations, hydrotherapy, fasting, exercise and other modalities, in accordance with naturopathic principles. These principles are kept in mind when a Naturopath takes a case to develop and offer treatment plans as well as maintenance support for long-term good health.
Principles of Naturopathy
Naturopathy employs various therapies and diagnostic tools and is based on the following Naturopathic Principles. A practitioner who follows and practises these principles can be called a Naturopathic Therapist, or simply a Naturopath. The Naturopathic Principles are:

1. The healing power of nature
The body can heal itself, given the right condition and treatment. There is a Vital Force which is stimulated to promote health.

2. Treat the cause, not the symptom
Identify the underlying cause of illness rather than eliminating (suppressing) symptoms.

3. Treat the whole person
Recognise a patient’s uniqueness by taking into account individual physical, mental, genetic, environmental, social and other factors.

4. Prevention is preferable to cure
Prevention is preferable to cure in order to keep the Vital Force at its optimum level at all times.

5. Education
Naturopaths educate their patients by bringing a better understanding of health, how to maintain it and how to avoid getting sick. This way, patients can take responsibility for themselves.
Naturopathic Therapies

Naturopathic Nutritionist
A Naturopathic Nutritionist focuses on the following:
- Use of whole and organic food as medicine.
- The importance of detoxification and cleansing.
- Assessment of the constitution of a patient (TCM / Ayurveda).
- Applying tongue, face and nail diagnostic, functional testing, herbs and Bach Flower Remedies.

Naturopathic Herbalist
A Naturopathic Herbalist focuses on Naturopathic Principles and, taking all symptoms into consideration, offers tailor-made herbal preparations.
- The use of whole / organic herbs wherever possible.
- Treating the whole person not a symptom.
- Using herbs according to the constitution of a patient (TCM / Ayurveda).
- Applying additional Naturopathic therapies such as nutrition, first aid, homeopathy, Bach Flowers, tissue salts and iridology.

Naturopathic Acupuncturist
A Naturopathic Acupuncturist follows Naturopathic Principles looking at the whole person when treating a patient, knowing that a symptom is not the disease. A Naturopathic Acupuncturist focuses on:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture.
- Treating the whole person, not a symptom.
- Applying additional Naturopathic therapies such as nutrition, first aid
homeopathy, Bach Flowers, tissue salts and iridology.

Naturopathic Homeopath
A Naturopathic Homeopath not only prescribes the individual homeopathic remedy at the time, but also applies other additional Naturopathic therapies. A Naturopathic Homeopath focuses on:
- Prescribing the individual a homeopathic remedy.
- Treating the whole person, not a symptom.
- Applying additional Naturopathic therapies such as nutrition, first aid
homeopathy, Bach Flowers, tissue salts and iridology.
Other professionals applying Principles of Naturopathy.

Natural Chef
The Natural Chef follows what Hippocrates said, “let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”. Junk food damages health whereas good food, correctly prepared according to the constitution of a person, promotes health. A Naturopathic Chef always has in mind:
- The nutritional value of fresh whole / organic food, minimally processed and procured in season.
- That no single dietary regime is appropriate for everyone.
- That individualised food can enhance health.

Health Coach
A Health Coach supports clients to achieve their health, fitness and personal goals. The Health Coach works with natural health therapists and other experts as needed. A Health Coach focuses on:
- Identifying with clients their realistic health and personal goals.
- Addressing underlying issues and referring to experts as needed.
- Motivating and coaching clients to achieve long-term change.