Events & Webinars

In- Person Events

24th August – 11:00am (Dublin – Ireland )

Dublin Herbal Foraging Walk

By John Vaughan

Join herbal medicine practitioner and experienced forager John Vaughan on an interactive herbal walk in Cabinteely Park, Dublin. By the end of this session you will have learnt how to identify common edible and medicinal herbs, whilst understanding their therapeutic usages.

21st September – 10:30am (Dublin)

Nutritional Supplements and Longevity

By Michael Wegner

This presentation explores the latest advancements in research concerning the impact of nutritional supplements on longevity. Recent studies have uncovered promising correlations between specific supplements and extended lifespan.

9th October – 6:30pm (London)

Environmental Medicine Update & Optimising Bone Health

By Joe Pizzorno and Lara Pizzorno

We are delighted to announce a special evening with leading Naturopath Dr. Joe Pizzorno and his wife Lara Pizzorno. Join us for an exclusive event, as both discuss their key specialisms, applying the clinical considerations from their experience and expertise.

16th November – 9:30am (London)

First Aid at Work Course

By Biba Boele

This one-day Emergency First Aid at Work course is ideal for people who need to receive training in First Aid.  The course combines theory and practical skills and techniques in an engaging, interactive learning programme and meets the needs of the Health and Safety (first aid) Regulations 1981 and the new guidelines set out by the HSE in October 2013.

23rd October – 6:00pm (London)

London Event: Supporting the Anxious Teenage Brain

By Lucy Peel

Uncover how the brain changes and develops during adolescence.  You will gain a better understanding of teenage behaviour with regards to the change in hormones and how that affects neurotransmitters.  Lucy will focus on different forms of anxiety disorder and how they may present in teens.  The talk will then cover naturopathic treatment goals in working with anxious teens, including discussing foods and supplements that may help the anxious teenage brain.

29th October – 6:30pm (Manchester)

Manchester Event: Supporting the Anxious Teenage Brain

By Lucy Peel

Uncover how the brain changes and develops during adolescence.  You will gain a better understanding of teenage behaviour with regards to the change in hormones and how that affects neurotransmitters.  Lucy will focus on different forms of anxiety disorder and how they may present in teens.  The talk will then cover naturopathic treatment goals in working with anxious teens, including discussing foods and supplements that may help the anxious teenage brain.


19th September – 1.00pm

Coaching in Cancer Care

By Isabel Galiano

Introducing a CPD webinar with Isabel Galiano, a resilient survivor of cancer who also became a certified cancer coach. With over 15 years of triumph, Isabel brings invaluable insights from her personal journey. Drawing from almost a decade of coaching experience, she offers hope and resilience to cancer patients. Join us to glean wisdom from her unique perspective.

26th September – 6.30pm

Common gallbladder conditions found in IBS patients and natural solutions

By Tracey Randell

This webinar will discuss the role and function of the gallbladder in the digestive system. Gain understanding of the most common gallbladder conditions that are often seen in IBS patients, such as: Gallstones & Biliary sludge, Gallbladder, inflammation, cholecystitis, bile acid Malabsorption (BAM), No gallbladder, and learn how to use therapeutic interventions to support them.


24th October – 6.30pm

Innovative Approaches to SIBO

By Alicia Galvin

During this webinar Alicia will be covering new insights on SIBO and how it is a driver for IBS and the connection between SIBO and the gut-brain axis dysfunction. You will learn natural protective mechanisms and an innovative root cause treatment approach.

21st November – 6.30pm

Evaluating Stress & HPA Axis Dysfunction

By Dr Nigel Abraham

The term “stress” refers to a state of threatened homeostasis, triggering the “adaptive stress response.” Poor regulation of this response can lead to adverse health effects. Clinicians face the challenge of assessing stress response systems and linking them to clinical presentations. The goal is to identify the root causes of stress-related imbalances to help patients regain physiological balance and mitigate chronic stress effects.

Mentoring Hub

26th September – 1.00pm

Stress Adaptive Response

By Anna Pugh

Join us for a mentoring session exploring how both short- and long-term stressors affect our health. Learn how to accurately measure our adaptive stress response and develop targeted strategies to support resilience.

16th September – 6.30pm

Using Herbal Powders in Clinical Practice

By Bevin Clare

Using powdered herbs can be affordable, accessible, and easy for your clients. Learn about strategies for their use including best herbs as powders, their dosages, clinical strategies for “getting them down” and some favorite clinical formulas and applications.

2nd October – 6.30pm

An Integrated Approach to Diabetes

By KP Khalsa

Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa is a herbalist, nutritionist, and educator with over 50 years experience in holistic medicine. He will be presenting his approach to diabetes incorporating his expertise in Ayurveda and herbal medicine.

16th October – 6.30pm

The Infectious State in Chronically Ill People

By Dr Chris Cheblowski

Clinical herbalist, naturopath and homeopath Dr Chris Cheblowski will be sharing his unique approach to infection and the terrain.  He will be covering how to determine the current state of someone’s terrain and using herbs and homeopathic remedies to find support the terrain of the body so that patients are no longer a host to infectious pathogens.

24th October – 1.00pm

The Future of Professional Healthcare Regulation

By Virginia Blake

This session is an informal virtual meet-up with our head of communications to discuss the projects and actions The ANP has taken to protect and support our membership base. The session will focus on what regulation and voluntary regulation is, and the future of professional healthcare regulation for natural medicine.

6th November – 6.30pm

The Trick about Dosing

By Lise Wolff

Come join a 30-year veteran of herbal practice Lise Wolff to discuss concepts around dosing, with real, practical advice to get the most effect with your clients. Did you know herbs cause what they cure and cure what they cause? Join Lise and hear a perspective that very well might change the way you practice with clients.

13th November – 9.00am

Practical Legal Considerations in Herbal Medicine 

By Edana Schul

Join herbalist and ex-lawyer Edana Schul for an overview of the main laws in the UK for herbal practitioners and those looking to start practice in herbal medicine. Build a basic awareness of the laws governing herbal medicine, what you need to prepare and what you need to be aware of to protect your practice and your clients.

Catch up on past webinars

Boost your confidence, master the field and gain skills you need to thrive as a naturopath. Head over to our CPD Library where you can find over 50 recordings on topics from enzymes to neurology and so much more!