The ANP Blog

Welcome to the ANP blog, a hub for nutrition, health news and interviews with current members. Are you a member and want to be featured in our blog? Contact us here.

Harnessing the Power of Nature: Herbal Supplements for Long COVID and Lyme Disease

Introduction At Just Herbs, we are dedicated to harnessing the power of nature to provide effective herbal supplements and natural remedies. Our mission is to support those suffering… View Article

End of Year Report

Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season. The New Year will see us hit the ground running, and build on the success of our activities… View Article

Exploring the expanding role of calcitonin in healthcare: Osteoporosis and innovative therapy.

By SERVER BOZDOGAN, M.D., Ph.D In the dynamic field of naturopathic medicine, the quest for versatile, highly effective therapies is ongoing. Calcitonin, once MERELY UNDERSTOOD AS A HORMONE… View Article

Molecular Hydrogen – Why Has It Taken So Long to Discover Its Therapeutic Benefits?

Over the last couple of years there has been a lot more interest in what Molecular Hydrogen can offer for health recovery and for our daily energy levels. … View Article

Mycotoxins in clinical practice – testing and therapeutics

As natural health practitioners most of us are aware of the term bio individuality, which makes for an interesting and varied approach when it comes to clients with… View Article

Healthy ageing: nutrition and lifestyle support

By Beth Raven @ Cytoplan With an ageing population and a rising life expectancy, it is more important than ever to consider how to stay healthy as we… View Article

Propolis: The Bees’ Knees when it comes to Immune Support

Propolis has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years. The Ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were all aware of its healing properties. These days propolis… View Article

7 Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil

Medical practitioners have been using castor oil in various ways to cure ailments andimprove patients’ health for thousands of years. In fact, it is one of the oldest… View Article

Is Glutathione the Ultimate Key to Consistently Good Health?

By Well.Actually Think of a time when you were multitasking or overwhelmed by a to-do list. Did you find yourself wishing that your brain was a supercomputer or… View Article

Are You Compliant to Practice?

In this article we share a story about a Nutritional Therapist who reached out to us after a client filed a complaint with the ICO. Thankfully this practitioner… View Article

How blood testing can help clients achieve longevity

By Jonathan Cohen, FunctionalDX Founder As a country, the UK is facing an ageing population crisis. Life expectancy has increased over the past decades and it is now… View Article

Exercise and Calorie Restriction to extend your lifespan!

By: Graeme Jones, clinical physiologist and CEO at Nordic Clinic Stockholm. Want To Take The Long Road and Live to 100? Exercise and Calorie Restriction May Just Get Your… View Article

Can a High Omega-3 Level Add Years to Your Life?

By Omegaquant A recent research paper examining the relationship between the Omega-3 Index and risk for death from any and all causes has been published in Nature Communications…. View Article

Books on Longevity and Healthy Ageing

By Tania Pepper for Aeon Books There are so many elements that come into play when considering longevity and healthy ageing that it is hard to find them… View Article

Feeling Sensitive? The benefits of using IgG guided elimination diets in clinical practice.

By Aga Lemieszewska According to a survey conducted by Allergy UK in 2009, 45% of adults in the UK suspect they might be sensitive to some of the... View Article

Building a Nutritional Therapy Practice with Aletta Morariu

  We had a chat with nutritional therapist and ANP mentor Aletta Morariu about what inspired her to study nutrition and how she grew her online business using… View Article

BMJ slams Gov policy as UK Medicines regulator braces for Covid vaccine “threat to patient life”

The British Medical Journal, one of the oldest and most respected medical periodicals has published a highly critical article titled, “Covid-19: politicisation, ‘corruption,’ and suppression of science”. The executive... View Article

Mental Health, Gender & Genetics

In the UK women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with a mood disorder – depression, GAD (generalised anxiety disorder), social anxiety disorder or panic… View Article

Dr Paula Billie-Hamilton. Corona Virus and Natural Methods of Prevention.

Please describe your background and experience in medical and natural health. In 1987, I qualified as a Medical doctor from London University in the UK. I then worked… View Article

What are Homeobotanicals?

Homeobotanicals are a powerful, synergistic blends of organic herbs in liquid form, diluted, potentised homoeopathically and selectively chosen to target specific organs and/or systems in the body. Detoxification is often… View Article

Exclusive: Patricia Peat on integrative oncology care

Hi Patricia, you’ve done quite a bit of activity with ANP – what has your experience of ANP been so far? This will be my 4th event with… View Article

Could the environment be contributing to the diabetes epidemic?

At the 2019 ANP Naturopathic Summit, Dr J. Pizzorno presented his case on chronic disease, explaining that Type II Diabetes has little to do with sugar and everything… View Article


ANP EXCLUSIVE: Dr Joe Pizzorno, internationally acclaimed educator, researcher and Naturopath, explains the true cause of Diabetes. Let me give you an anecdote from a patient who had… View Article

ANP Internationally acknowledged as voice of UK Naturopathy

ANP Internationally acknowledged as voice of UK Naturopathy The ANP’s was internationally acknowledged as the UK Authority on Natural at a EU conference on Naturopathy. The ANP’s influence… View Article

ANP Practitioners can provide support to patients

ANP was delighted to host noted Immunologist, Geneticist and Published Author Peter H. Kay for a workshop on Nutrition, Genetics and Cancer. Peter H. Kay began the day… View Article

Matthew Wood confirmed for ANP Naturopathic Summit

By Matthew Wood, Herbalist, Author, International Lecturer (USA) The view that Nature is a living being is found in almost all pre-technological cultures throughout the word. It is… View Article

Dr. Joe Pizzorno to Guest Lecture at ANP Summit

“I am more radical today, than I was 40 years ago”, says Dr Pizzorno in an interview for Integrative Therapeutics.  “The more you look at the research, the… View Article

MPs want complementary, traditional and natural medicine to rescue NHS from financial crisis

Changing health needs requires different approach, says new report by David Tredinnick, Chair of All Party Parliamentary Group on Integrative Healthcare.  In 70 years of the NHS patients’… View Article