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Only £195 for members incl.: 1 x Oligotherapy manual, 2 x days of training and 3 x Complexes

Oligotherapy (Trace Element Therapy) is a Swiss based therapy which has been used in Europe and French speaking countries, by medical practitioners and Naturopaths for over 100 years.  Trace elements are vital catalysts to healthy cellular function and the therapy is based on their catalytic action coupled with identification and integration of the individual’s diathesis and their associated trace elements.

Oligotherapy only includes the trace elements that have been scientifically proven to be functional in the body, in their correct form – ionised and dynamized – and at their correct therapeutic dose. They are in the purest form possible – free from all other bonds – and are the safest and most effective trace element/mineral product available.

Oligotherapy was established by the Centre de Recherches et d’applications sur les oligoéléments who are regarded as the global pioneers on the therapeutic applications of trace elements. The CRAO has been responsible for Oligotherapy being the subject of several successful clinical trials spanning five decades. The manufacturing division of the CRAO is Laboratoires Bioligo which is registered with SwissMedic, the rigorous national licensing and supervisory authority for medical and natural therapeutic products manufactured in Switzerland ensuring consistent and guaranteed high quality products.

Brief History

Oligos means “very small amount” in Greek and trace minerals are very small doses of minerals used in trace amounts. Oligotherapy is the therapeutic use of trace elements at physiological dosages and in ionized form.

Their therapeutic use stems from a long tradition, the scientific foundations of which were laid at the beginning of the 20th century by Dr. Sutter (France). He identified that an ionized solution of copper and manganese could cure one in two soldiers suffering from tuberculosis and accelerate wound healing.

Dr. Ménétrier (France) took over these studies and confirmed the effectiveness of this therapy by developing the notion of diathesis (predisposition to disease), which he made into his doctoral thesis. He established four areas: arthritic-allergic, hyposthenic, dystonic and anergic, which serve as a basis for the diagnosis and their associated trace element/s

In the 1970s, based on 50,000 clinical cases, Dr. Picard (French) gradually extended the field of application of oligotherapy to arthritis with 85% positive results which were the subject of numerous publications.

In 1977, Michel Deville, the Director of Laboratoires Bioligo and founder of Centre de Recherches et d’applications sur les oligoélément, organized a series of conferences in Switzerland intended for rheumatologists, to which he invited Dr. Picard. Enthusiastic about the effectiveness of the treatment, they observed, however, that its implementation remained complex, with each trace element (14 preparations) needing to be administered separately and several times a day.

Michel Deville then had the idea of ​​combining them – a complicated process – and developed three synergy complexes of trace elements. This development made it possible to further improve the results. The synergistic effect coupled with the simplification of treatment led to better results from patients. This method of using synergy complexes led to the development of the present day Global Oligotherapy with 18 complexes. Michel Deville went on to develop the diatheses of Menetrier to incorporate a fifth diathesis. He conducted training courses for health professionals and taught the method for many years throughout Europe and Canada. He has published numerous works in the field with CRAO editions.

“We do not sell products, but results” – Michel Deville

Oligotherapy can be used on its own or integrated into other natural therapies and safe to use alongside several pharmaceutical medications.


This training is registered by the following Swiss professional bodies

  • ASCA (Foundation for Complementary Medicine)
  • FPH (Official Society for Professional Pharmacists)
  • ASD (Association for Swiss Health Food retailers)

Level One – 10th May 2025

Prior to Level One it is necessary to complete a pre-reading task from the textbook published by the CRAO: Trace Elements – Catalysts for Health

​Level One covers the scientific basis of Oligotherapy, including the principles of catalytic trace elements and their role in the body. The second part of this level covers the identification of the diathesis/terrain of your patients to effectively select and administer specific oligo-elements complexes for straightforward cases. To complete Level One, therapists must submit 3 case studies that covers the first and second consultation.

Subjects covered in the training:

  • Origins of Oligotherapy
  • The different trace elements and their respective therapeutic quantities
  • Trace elements as catalysts
  • Synergy
  • Conditions which cause imbalance in catalyses
  • Real and induced deficiencies
  • How trace elements are absorbed into the blood stream and cells
  • Ionisation
  • Dynamization
  • Diatheses – nature and evolution of degeneration
  • Characteristics of the different Diatheses
  • The Fifth Diathesis – Endocrine System – adaptation and maladaptation
  • Oligotherapy Questionnaire
  • Posology and Priority

Level Two – 13th September 2025

Because there are many complex cases presenting to therapists today, after the therapist has had experience with working with Oligotherapy – approximately 2-3 months – Level Two is conducted as a workshop designed to focus on more complex/chronic cases/evolution of healing, where each therapist submits at least 3 cases for group/tutor evaluation. Level Two takes place after the therapists has been working with Oligotherapy for approximately 3 months.

Please note: You will need to attend both 10th May and 13th September training dates to get a Level I and Level II qualification. No refunds will be given if you can no longer attend the later training date.


  • Level I: 10th May 2025, 9.30-5.00pm
  • Level II: 13th September 2025, 9.30-5.00pm


  • College of Naturopathic Medicine, 25 Percy Circus, London, WC1X 9EU


  • £195 for members
  • £350 for non-members

The training costs includes a copy of Trace Elements – Catalysts for Health textbook and three oligotherapy complexes to use for case studies.


* Please Note: Our ANP policy in regard to event cancellations; No Refunds will be given in the 2 weeks leading up to the event start date or after the event has been held. Tickets are Non-Transferable.

  • This is practitioner only training. It is open to naturopathic practitioners such as nutritional therapists, homeopaths, herbalists, acupuncturists as long as you are fully qualified and insured to enable completion of the three case studies.
  • You will be sent a copy of Trace Elements- Catalysts for Health textbook to complete some pre-reading before the Level I training on 10th May.
  • Following the Level I training, you will need to complete 3 case studies that covers the first and second consultation. These are brief case studies and more information will be provided about how to complete during the Level I training day.
  • The final day will be a workshop for attendees to discuss the 3 cases. This will be required to attend to receive the Level II qualification.

About Your Trainer – Colleen O’Flaherty:

Colleen O’Flaherty has been the UK/Ireland/USA trainer on behalf of Centre de Recherches et d’Applications sur les Oligoéléments, Switzerland for 30 years – in the last year she has extended the Oligotherapy training to China.

Colleen has been a practitioner of natural and traditional therapies for over 40 years having qualified in a number of therapeutic modalities. Her practice has three prongs: Naturopathy, Emotional Reprogramming of genetic and experienced Trauma, and Teaching.

For the last 35 years Oligotherapy has been important component to all her therapies as they are extremely effective, fast acting on both a physical and emotional level and are safe for all ages and stages from pre-conception through to age related diseases.

Colleen created Alchemical Transformation Programmes – based on the principals of wisdom traditions coupled with scientific research – to provide a framework upon which an individual can navigate and integrate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing using a safe and profoundly effective process.

For the last 35 years Oligotherapy has been important component to all the therapies she offers as they are extremely effective and fast acting on both a physical and emotional level and are safe for all ages and stages from pre-conception through to age related diseases.

For further information about Colleen.

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