Advertise with the ANP

Advertise your products or services with the largest Naturopathic Association in the UK and Ireland and reach thousands of well trained Therapists.

ANP Advertising and Sponsorship

The ANP is the largest Naturopathic Association in the UK and Ireland, with members globally. In addition to the CPD training, events and other member benefits, we are keen to partner with likeminded businesses to offer opportunities to our large practitioner community.

Below you will find a range of partnership and advertising opportunities, designed to give your business a wide reach amongst both the ANP audience and the wider natural health community.

Advertising with the ANP offers you an excellent opportunity to showcase relevant products and services. This can take the form of social media posts to open and closed groups, adverts & advertorials in ANP’s emails and blogposts, and options for advertising in the ANP direct emails for CPD events and ANP webinars. There is also the opportunity to include your products in the Herb-Drug-Nutrient Database, a resource that is brought to ANP members and subscribers exclusively by the ANP.

We are always open to ideas, so if there is an opportunity that you would like to discuss, outside of those listed below, please get in touch at

For all current partnership opportunities, please contact

Sponsorship Package

Description Price
Social Media
2 x social media posts on FB and IG (including paid promotion). To promote products not education
Feature in ANP newsletter (database size 11,000)
Webinar to ANP members
£500 * one off webinars outside of this package are £1200
Advertisement in ANP benefits section offering discount to ANP members
Product Listing
Products listed on ANP interactions database (depending on size of product catalogue)
Total Package £2,000

Education Opportunities

Description Price
Webinar to ANP members £1200
London Event £400
Regional Event £200