Welcome to the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners!
The primary function of the ANP is to assist its members in maintaining the highest standard of competence. It offers a wide range of benefits to its members and safe, competent, well-trained professionals for the public.
Member Benefits
CPD’s & Webinars
Regular seminars, webinars and workshops to keep your professional skills up to date.
Practitioner Tools
Templates, policies, insurances, GDPR; all you need to run a successful clinic.
Support & Advice
Support and advice for students, graduates and qualified professionals.
Contraindications Database
The only comprehensive natural therapies database built by practitioners for practitioners.
Access to the Business Club
A monthly subscription to start, grow and scale your wellness business with mentorship, community and practical trainings.
Whether you are planning to start a business or have been in practice for some time, The ANP Business Club helps you to get more clients to fulfil your dream of making a living by improving people’s health.
Upcoming Webinars & Events
20th & 21st September (London)
The 6th Annual ANP Summit
Join us to learn from top experts in the field of naturopathy, as they share invaluable knowledge and insights. We are planning our 6th Annual summit with the theme of ‘Detoxification in Clinical Practice’. Uncover the latest research, protocols as well as naturopathic approaches to detoxification to support your clients face the burden of an increasingly toxic world.
10th May & 13th September – 09:30am (London)
Oligotherapy (Trace Element) Practitioner Training
Become an oligotherapist with this practitioner training to understand the scientific basis of the principles of catalytic trace elements and their role in the body. You will learn the identification of the diathesis/terrain of your patients to effectively select and administer specific oligo-elements complexes for straightforward cases.
30th April & 14th May (Online)
Bach Flower Remedies for Naturopathic Practice
In this two-part series, we will delve into the richly deep, archetypal world of the 12 Healers of the Bach Flower Remedies. We can understand our clients, and their constitutional tendencies, by exploring the 12 Healers and incorporating them into our work as naturopathic practitioners.
The ANP Blog

Why We Do Not Support Insects as Food

Ultra Processed Foods and the Food Industry Under Fire.