Event Location: London CNM 25 Percy Circus, London WC1X 9EU
Date, time: 15th and 16th of June 2024, 09:30 – 16:00
Further Information
Homeobotanicals – Post Graduate Practitioner Course
- This is a 2 day practical course for students and qualified therapistsÂ
- Attendees will receive a certificate of accreditation and a comprehensive manual Â
- The course will run over 2 consecutive days (15th and 16th of June)
Homeobotanicals are a powerful, synergistic blend of organic herbs in liquid form, potentised homoeopathically and selectively chosen to target the organs and systems of the body. Developed in New Zealand in the 1970’s by a team of highly qualified complementary health practitioners headed by Dr Brian Murray HbT, ND, DO, DHom, DPC, PhD, SRFHI. Homeobotanicals are the largest Natural Therapy in New Zealand. It is practiced in Australia, America and in Great Britain. It is simple, safe and very effective. To learn about Homeobotanicals.
Homoeobotanical remedies cover a comprehensive range of conditions. All remedies are mutually compatible and can be mixed in an infinite variety of ways to restore the health of a patient.
They work well with any other forms of healing including allopathic. Many Homoeopaths use Hbs to enhance their practice. You can add them to creams, gels, oils and add in Bach Flower remedies or any flower essence as well as homeopathic remedies to enhance the mix.
Post-graduate Homeobotanical Training will cover:
The Physical and Dynamic Action of Hb Remedies
Vibrational Medicine
Dispensing Methods
Materia Medica for Allergies, Colds and Catarrh, Expectorant/Coughs, Chronic lung disease and Emotional Stress disorders.
Dynamic Nutrition (feeding the cells)
Assimilation – Nutritional Herbs (what we put into our mouths is not always what we assimilate into our bodys)
Dynamic Depuration – drainage (taking the toxins out of the body).
Materia Medica for Purifying of the blood, Thyroid imbalances, Specific Nutritional boost to the body after illness or chronic dietary imbalance, Immune system enhancement, Gastrointestinal/Bowel tonic. Trophorestorative herbs
Understanding Homoeopathy and how it relates to HbT
Herbal Vehicles – the different types of herb waters available and how to make them up for yourself
Materia Medica for Cramps, Spasms, First Aid (acute) illness, diuretic/Oedema tonic, Skin tonic, kidneys, liver and gall bladder tonic. Dermatology including Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis – Unguent Therapy (ointments)
Acute and Chronic Prescribing
Herbal Roots of Homoeobotanical Therapy
Materia medica for Pancreas tonic, Discussing Candida Albicans, Migraine/headaches, Stomach/digestion, Brain-CNS-memory, female hormone normaliser, Adrenals balance, Glandular system.
Beyond mechanical medicine – Vitamins, Minerals, Auric healing
Materia Medica for Heart tonic, general pain, insomnia, tiredness/hypotension, varicose veins, worms, Rheumatism, Arthritic tonic. Soft tissue damage (brilliant for the massage therapists) Diarrhoea (this stuff stops Diarrhoea dead!), Lack of Stamina, Viral remedy.
The Onion Skin Theory of healing.
About the trainer:Â Deborah Kerslake HbT (Hons.) SRFHI (NZ); FMHI (UK) RbT DHP (Dist) CST
  Deborah Kerslake (PhD) is the managing director of Homeobotanicals UK and Europe. Debra trained to be a Homeobotanical therapist in 1992, the start of a much longer journey via Naturopathy, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, coaching and more. But it all began with her love of Homeobotanicals – their energy, their effectiveness and the way they also support the therapist. These wonderful liquid herbal combinations that are imported from New Zealand are diluted and dynamised so they are physical and vibrational in nature, and because they are diluted they are very safe to take and because they are also still physical they are very grounding. Soon after Deborah qualified, she was so impressed with the results she was getting with her clients, she became a trainer, then became the head trainer in New Zealand for five years – training more people personally than anyone had in the past 20 years previously, before returning to the UK, where she brought them over with her. She now runs a private clinic in West Sussex and she also trains qualified therapists from all around the UK and Europe in how to use these effective tools to enhance their clinic and support their clients.
* Please Note: Our ANP policy in regard to event cancellations; No Refunds will be given in the 2 weeks leading up to the event start date or after the event has been held. Tickets are Non-Transferable.